Resilience Action International (RAI) invited Sifa FM Atoo staff and other youths on a one-day workshop held in their premises located at Kakuma 2 refugee camp in Turkana County. RAI has its mandate on youth and reproductive health which its fit with the station’s day-to-day work especially to those living in the refugee camps and the host community in Turkana west sub-county. During the workshop, a lot of issues concerning youths were discussed under the theme empowering media voices for positive sexual reproduction & health (SRH-R) reporting and advocacy.
Among them being; early marriages and teen pregnancies, importance of inclusive safe spaces, the power of media in shaping public perception among others. The issue of youths’ affairs took center stage and thus the station manager for Sifa FM Atoo was able to inform the organizers and rest of the youths about Sifa FM Atoo’s Youth junction program which airs every Friday at 2:00 pm. The youths and all fans of the station showed their gratitude for Trans world radio Kenya for coming up with such a brilliant idea which is noble and timely.

Youth junction listeners after the training together with Sifa FM Atoo staff led by Joshua Juma.